Amber Heard ANGRY! Her Lawyer Throws Her Under The Bus!

Amber Heard ANGRY! Her Lawyer Throws Her Under The Bus!

In the infamous Debt versus Her Trial, Amber Heard’s team has faced another blow in the case. A video deposition by an executive at Warner Brothers has disproven multiple claims made by her and her talent agent, Jessica Kovačovich. The witness was being cross-questioned by herd’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoff, who has now managed to hurt their case and throw Amber Heard’s reputation as an actress under the bus simultaneously.

Amber Heard ANGRY! Her Lawyer Throws Her Under The Bus!

Heard’s executive made three key statements: she was never released from her contract with Warner Brothers, her role in Aquaman 2 was never altered or shortened, and concerns regarding her future in the DCEU as Princess Mira were not due to the trial and public hatred. She was also clarified that the script was never altered since its conception in 2018.

In her witness testimony, Amber Heard’s talent agent and manager, Jessica Kovačovich, claimed that Heard had lost many contracts due to the negative publicity the trial caused. She stated that her contract with Warner Brothers was terminated and she also lost some other roles with Amazon. However, Hameda stated that she was never released or rehired, and her compensation was unaffected and was the same as the original contract.

Hameda also clarified that the team’s hesitation to recast Heard in Aquaman 2 had nothing to do with John Depp. This only adds fuel to the rumors that Elaine Bredehoff is secretly a fan of Johnny Depp. She has been caught making slip-ups before the fact that she asked such a question when Warner Brothers had already confirmed a lack of chemistry between him and Amber Heard. The answer made the question quite pointless and only served to damage Amber’s case and sully her reputation as a charismatic actress.

The jurors must have noted that Walter Hameda had made his statements regarding the stance of the Warner Brothers company on Amber Heard, which directly refuted previous claims made by the actress. He had more credibility as the head of DC Films on this issue as he will be involved with both filmmaking and contracts with the actors in depth. He has also been in close contact with the likes of Zack Snyder and James Wan, who have had a hand in writing the scripts for the DCEU films.

Hameda’s testimony has gone extremely viral, with fans of John Depp applauding her for asking questions that help their case. One redditor humorously wrote, “elaine drives a bus that has no breaks amber keeps on jumping in the way referring to the various times elaine had to struggle with herd’s constantly changing statements.” People also tried to understand why elaine asked such questions when she knew the answer, as anyone who watched Aquaman knows there was no chemistry between Heard and Mamoa.

Fans of John Depp were quick to pitch in their liking for Walter Hameda and how he addressed Heard’s chemistry with Mamoa. One fan commented, “This guy is so brutally honest must suck to hear your boss politely say you’re garbage referring to Jamaica’s courteous demeanor and to the point answers.”

In conclusion, the Debt versus Her Trial has left Amber Heard and her talent agent facing a significant challenge in the ongoing legal battle between the two stars.