Amber Heard Exaggerates Former Suicide Thoughts In Court!

Amber Heard Exaggerates Former Suicide Thoughts In Court!

Amber’s testimony in the trial of Johnny Depp is characterized by her obsession with being killed and her fear of death. She repeatedly mentions that she was going to die and that Johnny would not even realize that he had killed her. Amber’s testimonies show her thinking about how Johnny would kill her without realizing that he had killed her.

Amber Heard Exaggerates Former Suicide Thoughts In Court!

When asked why she filed for a divorce, she claimed that she knew she wouldn’t survive and that if she didn’t leave the relationship, she would not be here today.

Amber’s exaggerated suicide thoughts have been repeated multiple times, leading to a breakdown of her mental state. On her second day of trial, Amber claims that she realized she was going to die and that Johnny would not even realize that he had killed her. She also becomes obsessed with being choked and pushed against walls, which is believed to be Johnny’s go-to move.

Amber’s testimonies reveal that she was choked and pushed against walls on her second day, while still shouting at the accusations. On her second day, she retelling the Australian incident where Johnny had her by the throat and pushed her against the wall in a pillow top. On day three, Amber recounts a fight on their honeymoon where she was up by a wall while Johnny was strangling and assaulting her on the countertop in Australia.

Amber’s explanations are too exaggerated and repetitive, making it difficult to understand her true feelings. The video concludes with Amber’s testimony, leaving us to continue the discussion.