BUSTED! Amber’s New Strategy Involving Bots Gets Countered By Johnny!

BUSTED! Amber’s New Strategy Involving Bots Gets Countered By Johnny!

Amber Heard’s new strategy involving bots has been exposed in a shocking new twist. Amber has been using bots to create fake support surrounding her, which makes sense given her limited internet support. Investigative journalist and YouTuber Umbrella Guy has been on the Amber Johnny trial since the beginning and has covered all aspects of the case.

BUSTED! Amber’s New Strategy Involving Bots Gets Countered By Johnny!

They have exposed Amber’s strategy by tweeting that Busted Amber Heard’s Defense Squad talks about buying bots after alleging Johnny Depp did so.

The tweets attached to it show a group named Amber Heard Defense Squad discussing plans to purchase bots and use them against Johnny Depp in order to garner support. Some users have reported getting inundated with recommendations to watch videos of the trial even when they have never expressed interest in it. Robert Evans, an investigative journalist and podcast host, wrote that there is something unsettling going on with the Deb Heard trial that has not been fully sussed out.

Alexa O’Brien, an investigative analyst and writer focused on intelligence, has been closely following the Deaf and Heard trials presence on social media and has written on Twitter that there is serious bot activity happening around the Deaf Heard trial at the level of subversive propaganda and propagation of false accounts of the trial.

There is no direct evidence to prove Johnny or his team’s involvement in using bots to control social media coverage. Amber fans seem to be in denial about this, trying to find ways to blame other factors. Umbrella Guy has shared more tweets revealing Amber’s aggression against him, including an announcement that bot sentinel will be targeting people on behalf of Amber Heard to silence them.

It seems that Amber fans are the only ones using bots against Johnny, not the other way around. Honest journalists like Umbrella Guy are raising awareness about their tactics and facing them head-on.