Camille Vasquez Absolutely RUINS Amber Heard! AGAIN!

Camille Vasquez Absolutely RUINS Amber Heard! AGAIN!

In the trial, Johnny’s attorney, Cil Vasks, questioned Amber’s lies and revealed her true nature. Amber claimed that Johnny had grabbed her friend’s hand and threatened to break it, but her ex-best friend Rocky had never mentioned the incident. Amber claimed that Johnny was the one who started the entire fiasco and that when they went to the trailer, he trashed it to the point where the manager of Hickville came and was angry about it.

Camille Vasquez Absolutely RUINS Amber Heard! AGAIN!

The manager himself testified that he was actually there that day and saw Amber getting jealous because Johnny was not giving her the attention she needed.

The next day, the trailer was not really trashed except for the light Fisher that had been removed. The manager charged Mr. Deb only $62 for the damag light fixer. Amber claimed that she was the only one who was jealous and Mr. Depp wasn’t giving her enough attention in Hicksville. She also told the jury that she had no idea that the press would be outside after she got the ex-party TR on May 27th, 2016.

Camil reminded Amber that she had told the jury that she did not know there would be press outside the courtroom when she went to get her trro. She tried changing her statements by saying that she had nothing to do with it going to be there or not. When asked about who sent the video of Johnny smashing tables and cabinets to the TMZ, Amber deny ever sending it because she was flying. The TMZ guy had testified that they received the video 15 minutes after it was shot, meaning that it could only have come from the source. Amber refuses and calls the guy a liar, which is the second time she has called someone a liar today.

TMZ even declared that they own the copyrights of the video that Amber took of her husband’s smashing cabinets. Yet again, Amber denied having no knowledge of this. The copyright ownership of the cabinet video is news to the jury, as it shows that Amber’s lies and actions were not entirely accurate.

The cabinet video, which was uploaded the night before Amber’s divorce, is a strange and suspicious piece of evidence. It shows Amber taking a video from her phone and uploading it the night before her divorce. The video TMZ received was not fully complete, with parts where Amber was setting up the camera and the end part where she is seen smirking cut off. Amber tried to argue that she hasn’t been smirking in this trial, but she was caught on camera smirking in the video.

Tamil accused Amber of editing out portions of the videos that made her look bad before sending it to TMC. He claimed that if he wanted to leave information, he could have done it more effectively. Tamil accused Amber of editing out parts of the videos that made her look bad, such as the beginning where she was setting up her camera to shoot an illegal video of Johnny and the end where she smirked.

Two photos were shown: one with Amber with her publicist at court while Amber was getting a restraining order against Johnny Depp, and the other with Amber happily strolling a boat with Rocky, her ex-best friend, a day after she obtained a restraining order against her husband. The photo was taken a day after the restraining order.

An article dated May 30th 2016 contained the same photog of Amber and Miss Pennington, which was titled “Amber Herd Smiles as She Puts Arm Around a Friend One Day After Getting a Restraining Order against Johnny Depp.” Amber tried to pretend that she had no idea when the photo was taken, but Camille politely reminded her using an article with the same picture.

The testimony that defendants exhibit 512 reflects damage to Penthouse 5 that occurred during the December 15th 2015 incident is unclear. When the photo is presented without context, Amber is shown a picture she had previously testified to being a damaged part of the penthouse in the 2015 Fiasco. She tried avoiding questions, claiming she couldn’t remember what had happened in the picture without context. Camille, being kind, decided to show the context to Amber, which incident this is a picture of.

The Council was asked about a test taken on December 15th, 2015, and how Amber had admitted the picture into evidence. She denied knowing the picture, even though her team had submitted it and used it to explain what had happened at Penthouse 5. Camille then called Amber up for fabricating evidence and using two different photos of the same image twice in her evidence.

Camille called Amber up for staring at the jury and arguing to their Direction someone should have done earlier. She also called out Amber for trying to educate the jury and the court without context. Even the judge herself has said that that’s how the evidence was presented to the court by Amber’s Council without context.

Camille then called her up for fabricating evidence and using two different photos of the same image twice in her evidence. She was asked about the video where she told Johnny that no one would believe him if he were to say he was a victim of domestic abuse because he is a man. She replied that she had known that people would lie if they had to just to defend Johnny.

Camille also insinuated that Kate Moss was lying and that Johnny had actually pushed her down the stairs. Before she had mentioned this incident in court, there had never been a rumor about it. She stated that she had heard a rumor about it and that Johnny had told the world that he was the one who had told that story to Amber.

Camille has proven to the jury that Amber is capable of lying and twisting her words under Oaths. If it wasn’t for Camille, they wouldn’t have known that Amber’s tears were a hoax.

The person she showed us on day 23 was the real Amber, and it showed in the presence of another strong woman like herself called Cil Vasquez. The jury should stop pressuring themselves on who might be the liar in this case simply because it’s quite simple who it is.