Disney Unappreciative! Old Video Shows How Johnny SAVED The Pirates Series!

Disney Unappreciative! Old Video Shows How Johnny SAVED The Pirates Series!

Disney and Johnny Depp disagreed on the portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow until the film was completed. Depp decided to create a different character, which is why Sparrow is loved by many people. However, Disney seems bitter towards Depp and would do anything but acknowledge his contribution to the success of the film.

Disney Unappreciative! Old Video Shows How Johnny SAVED The Pirates Series!

In an interview with Collider, Depp revealed that the character was born in his sauna after a particularly hard session. He expressed his initial disapproval of the character design and how it struck him after a particularly hot sauna session. However, Disney took all the credit and did not want to share any details with Depp.

Depp initially expressed his dislike for the early Sparrow footage, with some believing he was making Sparrow into a gay figure while others thought he was not dangerously inebriated. Angry executives had multiple conversations about this issue, but Depp declined to modify his ways. They believed that if they wanted Sparrow to be played differently, they would have to fire him, and Disney would have looked horrible if they had let Depp go.

Despite this, Disney retained Depp and the rest is history. Depp’s body language and expressions during the interview were admirable, and fans are still unhappy about Disney’s decision to not give him credit. One fan commented about Disney’s initial choice for Depp’s portrayal of Sparrow, saying he could listen to this over and over again without getting bored. Another said that if CJS had been played as intended, the film would have been written off as a confusing, earnest, and dull mess.

In conclusion, Disney and Depp have a long history of disagreements and disagreements regarding the portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow. Depp’s unique take on the character and his contributions to the film have left many fans feeling unfulfilled and disappointed. Disney should give credit where credit is due and consider the opinions of its fans in the comments below.