GAME OVER! New Proof SAVES Johnny Depp From Amber Heard’s Appeal!

GAME OVER! New Proof SAVES Johnny Depp From Amber Heard’s Appeal!

Amber Heard, the wife of Johnny Depp, has been accused of sexual battery, physical abuse, and other outrageous crimes during the 2020 libel trial. She is now seeking to use this evidence in her appeal, which she believes will never be accepted in Virginia court. The evidence presented by Amber Heard is thought to be biased and a sham run to protect the interests of the Sun and other parties involved.

GAME OVER! New Proof SAVES Johnny Depp From Amber Heard’s Appeal!

The image of Amber Heard, who is married to judicial mediator Camila Parker, shows that the judge had conflicting interests. He is the father of Robert Palmer, an executive director of the advocacy organization Tax Justice UK, and has made frequent appearances on talk radio owned by Wireless Group, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. The British tabloid The Sun, which published the article that provoked Depp’s lawsuit, is under the control of New Corporation. The person who wrote the article, Dan Wooden, also previously worked at Talk Radio during that time, and any sane person would easily connect these dots, explaining how the son won the suit when almost all news publications would fail.

The image also shows that Amber is married to judicial mediator Claudia Parker, who is friends with author Kathy Letty and was once married to barrister Jeffrey Robinson. This indicates that Amber’s actions were two steps ahead from attending a private dinner party attended by Herd and was also once married to Barrister Jennifer Robinson, with whom she wrote a book on media law.

Judges pay attention to what evidence is admitted and the exact wording of the instructions given to the jury. These procedural measures are intended to ensure that the jury does not become biased against one party because they heard evidence that makes that party look bad and the verdict they give isn’t legally relevant.

In conclusion, Amber Heard’s appeal is unlikely to be accepted in Virginia court due to the evidence presented and the lack of attention given to the evidence. The unveiling of the Flower Chart has led to several fans asserting that Amber Heard had no chance of a fair trial at the time of his unsuccessful lawsuit. Supporters of Amber have started a motion to sign a petition, which has garnered over 10,000 signatures and reads that everyone should have the right to ensure the judge sitting on their case doesn’t have a conflict.