IT’S OVER! Bankruptcy Lawyers TARGET Amber Heard!

IT’S OVER! Bankruptcy Lawyers TARGET Amber Heard!

Amber Heard suffered a significant financial loss after Johnny Depp won the controversial defamation suit against her ex-husband, Breiderhoff. Her lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, confirmed that she does not have the money to pay the 10.4 million dollar judgment.

IT’S OVER! Bankruptcy Lawyers TARGET Amber Heard!

Rumors have been going around that Amber is planning to file for bankruptcy before heading to her appeal, which means all her assets are getting tied up.

As a result, Amber has been deeply affected by the case and has been gearing up to get her assets checked and tied up. She will not be taking any great vacations beyond red carpets or attending many speech events, which is a win in itself. However, it is unknown if this is true, as many experts predicted this when the verdict was announced.

Despite her net worth being unknown, CBS News stated that Amber has made millions of dollars for her work in TV shows and movies, including Aquaman and Aquaman II. According to trial testimony, her bank ability in Hollywood has stopped as a result of the trial. If Amber does appeal the decision, she will still be required to post bond for the 10.35 million dollar judgment plus any potential interest.

With this huge amount of money, Amber needs to be creative in order to pay or not to pay it legally. Some fans are concerned that Amber might be scheming something else, specifically declaring bankruptcy to escape paying Johnny the money she owes him after losing the case. Once Amber files for bankruptcy, it becomes up to a court decision whether she has to come up with the bond.

While some fans believe Amber is trying to bail out of paying debt, others believe she needs a better plan or at least get a better lawyer to advise her on what to do.