After resuming trial, Johnny Depp’s legal team had been doing a marvelous job in cornering Amber and her witnesses, leaving them with little to no wiggle room to defend their testimony. Many are expecting the same when Amber’s sister Whitney heard took the witness stand. They started off pretty well by emphasizing the good relationship Whitney has with her sister’s ex-husband, Mr.
Depp. She testified that for a time, she lived in the Ecb penthouses with Mr. Depp and Ms. Hurd, and he did not pay rent while she was living there.
Depp’s lawyer also created a defense around the Herd’s abusive father and how this could have affected their personality growing up. The family would protect each other from that abuse when she could. Another plus point they made was bringing up the marriage counselor nickname Whitney has because she used to mediate for the couple whenever they have won too many fights. She often felt found herself mediating disputes between Mr. Depp and his wife, Mrs. Hurd.
However, they failed to expound on the main issues. They seemingly forgot to make a narrative from the animal abuse accusation against Whitney, which could create a hole in her credibility and moral principles. A moment during the cross-examination where Whitney confirmed that during the March 2013 incident where Johnny allegedly had a fight with her sister, she didn’t mind spending time with Depp and even did cocaine with the actor.
Many fans are starting to get worried that this might tarnish the solid foundation Camille Vasquez laid for Depp and his team. She is one of the few people who were in the front row of Johnny and Amber’s relationship, and her cross-examination can make or break the case for either party. However, fans are saying she didn’t stay long enough in the witness stand fearing a similar ruling in the UK case.
One of the main things that hurt Johnny Depp badly in the UK was the lawyers dropping the ball and omitting charitable donations. They did not challenge that when they had the chance and it haunted them on appeal despite the anxiousness. Some supporters are saying that Depp’s team knows what they are doing, some are capitalizing at how Johnny’s legal team still looks pretty calm during the cross because they are actually saving the best for less.
Another fan brought up the possibility of a Jennifer Bull rebuttal, saying they think they are preparing or laying the foundation for Jennifer Bull to be used for rebuttal. We just need to wait and see what will happen. Do you think Depp should have kept Vasquez for the cross and did Johnny’s lawyer really mess it up?