The video discusses the pressure on Amber’s pubic bone during her second day testifying in court. Amber kept up with her story and shed some tears, but Johnny seemed to be looking down and not interested in looking at her. This lack of confidence could potentially lead to a loss of the trial for Amber.
Amber’s actions, such as holding her head up and looking at Johnny in the face, paint a bad picture of him and his ex-wife. This could have been detrimental for Amber, who has managed to maintain her composure and use her facial expressions to her advantage. However, the lack of emotion on Johnny’s face makes it difficult to determine whether he is angry, confused, or tired.
The video also mentions a heavy bank door that Johnny was dragging and removing his hand. He hasn’t looked at Amber at all, leaving us to wonder if he is agreeing or disagreeing with her. The only time we get to see his emotions is when he talks to his attorneys.
The video suggests that Johnny might as well look up and be confident that he didn’t do any wrong. Amber’s confidence and ability to wear a victim’s emotions perfectly make her more of a victim. The video concludes by expressing hope for Amber’s next appearance.